Dr. Boroman



opinion that homosexuality is caused by to carry out a study of certain steroids. combined psychologic and physiologic and anti-enzymes in the urine and blood factors.

Ford and Beach believe that sexual inversion reflects the essentially bisexual character of men's mammalian inheritance. In their book, PATTERNS OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, published by Harper on February 28, 1951, they report many observations on homosexual behavior in animals. It is the only sexual expression in a few members of each species. It is common in male and very uncommon in female animals facts that suggest a basic inherited potentiality for homosexual behavior. Kallman's careful study of homosexuality in identical twins, reported recently at the New York Academy of Medicine, also favors the genetic determination of homosexuality. Beach disagrees with the idea that early conditioning and social pressures largely account for homosexual expressions. He finds that the large majority of subhuman mammals, regardless of conditioning, usually prefer heterosexual to homosexual relations, if given their choice.

Anatomic studies by Sheldon have shown no primary physical feminine characteristics in known male homosexuals, but these men do have feminine mannerisms and expressions in facial and body movements...

I have arranged with the Steroid Laboratory of the University of California School of Medicine at Los Angeles,

of sexual deviates in two of the state hospitals near Los Angeles. These studies should yield us specific information concerning the possible relationship of these steroids and anti-enzymes to homosexuality.

It is of interest that some of our officials in Washington have the naive idea that excluding homosexuals from government service will do away with the problem of foreign spies securing secret information. Homosexuals are no more open to seduction than heterosexuals, and history is full of accounts of beautiful female spies who have secured important secrets from other governments by their heterosexual seductions. We find that some rulers in the past have tried to make their positions safe by surrounding themselves with eunuchs, but even this device did not prevent the rulers from betrayal at times. In view of the high incidence of some type of homosexual indulgence in American males as reported by Kinsey, there would seem to be little or no chance of keeping our government offices free of overt homosexuals. If one wishes to add the group of latent homosexuals, it is obvious that we are witnessing some of the wish fulfillment thinking, disassociated from reality, which we see in our schizophrenic patients.

An amusing article in Science News Letter for July 1, 1950 points out that,

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